This guide will walk you through how to set up and start using Uniqodo integration to distribute unique codes in email campaigns through Dotdigital.
This integration enables Dotdigital clients to distribute unique coupon codes to their customers in emails and other engagement methods supported by Dotdigital. Clients can either import and upload codes from their eCommerce platform if the functionality exists or use Uniqodo's Promotion Engine to generate unique codes and manage their promotions.
Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can enable Uniqodo code distribution App Block within the Dotdigital email campaign builder.
You need to have an active account with Uniqodo before you are able to use this integration to distribute unique codes in email campaigns through Dotdigital.
There are 4 simple steps to start using unique codes in your Dotdigital campaigns:
- Create an API user on Dotdigital
- Add a new Third Party Integration on the Uniqodo platform
- Create a promotion on the Uniqodo platform
- Use the promotion App Block when creating campaigns on Dotdigital
1. Create an API user on Dotdigital
Log in to the Dotdigital platform and follow the steps below:
- Go to Settings > Access > API users.
- Select NEW USER.
- The username (email address) is automatically generated for you and must not be edited.
- Enter a password and confirm it.
- Select Enabled.
- Click SAVE.
For further instructions please check the Dotdigital Help Centre
2. Add a new Third Party Integration on the Uniqodo platform
Log in to the Uniqodo platform and follow the steps below:
- Go to Settings > Third Party Integrations.
- Select Add new API credentials.
- Select Dotdigital as the Third Party System and enter the Dotdigital credentials.
- Click Create.
3. Create a promotion on the Uniqodo platform
Log in to the Uniqodo platform and follow the steps below:
- Go to Promotion Management > Create a Promotion
- In the Distribution Settings select Dotdigital from the distribution partner list or type Dotdigital into the search field on the top right of your screen.
- Under Code Issuance settings, you'll be able to choose whether you'd like to upload your own unique codes or use Uniqodo-generated codes.
- Complete the remaining steps of the promotion setup and click Complete Promotion Setup.
- Your promotion will automatically appear in the Dotdigital campaign builder as one of the App Blocks.
4. Use the App Block when creating campaigns on Dotdigital
Log in to the Dotdigital platform and follow the steps below:
- Select Email and choose your Template.
- When App or editing your campaign select Uniqodo Promotions from the left-hand menu.
- Select your chosen promotion and drag this block into the desired section of your email.
- You will be able to configure parameters such as text colour, background colour, font e.t.c by clicking on the App Block once inside the email content.
- Use the Preview feature to see how your code will look in your campaign.
For further instructions please check the Dotdigital Help Centre
When a recipient clicks on the code image in the email the unique code will be appended to the URL as a
parameter e.g.
For eCommerce sites where Uniqodo is integrated the code will automatically be populated in the coupon code field on the site so customers do not have to type in the unique code.
If you would like to use a different parameter please use the placeholder
Important Notes
- Certain changes to a promotion on the Uniqodo platform will affect the corresponding App Block in Dotdigital campaigns as described below.
- Manually ending a promotion by changing its end date will remove the App Block.
- Pausing a promotion on Uniqodo will automatically remove the App Block from Dotdigital.
- The title of the App Block will be updated when its promotion title is changed on Uniqodo.
- If there is a redemption limit set on the promotion, this will stop codes from being issued in the campaign and the App Block will automatically be removed once that redemption limit has been reached. This behaviour is the same for the promotion code claim limit.
- When a promotion has expired or is paused on the Uniqodo platform the App Block will automatically be removed from Dotdigital.
- The App Block will be reactivated in Dotdigital whenever a promotion is reactivated on the Uniqodo platform.
- If an App Block is deleted on Dotdigital it can be resynchronized by using the using the Synchronise button in the Uniqodo platform. To do this please follow the instructions below:
- Go to the Uniqodo platform and navigate to Promotion Management > View Promotions.
- Select the promotion and click Details from the right hand menu. In the promotion details go to the Distribution Settings.
- Press the Synchronise button.
Updated almost 2 years ago