Register a transaction when an order is completed.

This endpoint must be called whenever a customer completes an order (transaction). Calling this endpoint is essential to ensure that all applied promotions and unique coupon codes are redeemed and recorded with the order. This step is also necessary for awarding loyalty points, monitoring for fraud, enforcing promotion limits based on order completions, triggering additional promotions, and more.

The Order Object

In order to ensure data consistency and accurate attribution of promotions to an order, please ensure that the Order object supplied in the request to this transaction endpoint (/v2/transactions) is a copy of the Order object returned (in the response JSON) by the Apply endpoint unmodified. You may construct a new Order object if there was no prior call to the Apply endpoint to apply promotions to an order or cart.
The Order object returned by the Apply endpoint contains important information required for the accurate processing of a transaction. If necessary, you can add more custom properties through the transaction.additionalProperties object. > 🚧 You MUST still call this endpoint even if there are no promotions or coupons applied to the order.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!