Prevent simultaneous redemption of a unique coupon code
By default, the validation API allows a coupon code to be repetitively applied to an order until the order is completed and the coupon redemption occurs. In instances where multiple customers apply the same unique coupon code to their orders in various sessions, potentially due to the code owner sharing it with others, each customer can apply their code and receive the associated reward, provided they all apply their code before the initial customer completes their order.
To mitigate this scenario, a validation lock period can be configured on an account, preventing multiple coupon code application sessions within a specified timeframe. When this setting is enforced, only the first customer to apply the coupon code can continue utilizing it throughout the lock period in the same session. The customer session is identified by the journerId
value issued by Uniqodo in response to the first coupon application request.
Once the lock expires, the code is released and can be used in any customer session. Subsequently, upon the next code application, the lock is reinstated, and the above process recommences.
Validation lock can only be applied to unique coupon codes.
request parameter is required to allow a customer's session to be linked to a coupon code application so that the legitimate customer can remove and reapply the coupon code should they wish to in the same session. See more aboutjournerId
in the API reference.
The validation lock period is expressed in minutes and can be adjusted by Uniqodo upon request.